Our Quality Policy
METCON is aware that its progress in accordance with its vision will be possible by preserving quality.
In this context;
- Fully applying the requirements and continuously improving effectiveness of the Quality Management System we established
- Creating and updating effective control and monitoring systems for all phases of a project
- Meeting the clients needs and expectations in right and timely manner.
- Completing each project we commit to at the first time, continuously and correctly.
- Enabling employees to be competent at the quality management system regarding the duties they undertake.
- Constantly revising, updating and developing our Quality Policy
are our fundamental principles.
Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy
METCON aims to apply all its adopted work principle in all its duties by maintaining its employees’ health and safety at the highest level.
In this context;
- Fulfilling Occupational Health and Safety obligations according to national and international standards
- Assessing accident causing risks with the participation of all its personnel and eliminate existing risks
- Acting on the “the health of our employees is the health of our company” principle
- Training our employees on Occupational Health and Safety for continuous development for promoting employee health
- Aiming the raise employee participation to the top level by taking opinions and suggestions from workers
- Constantly revising and developing our Occupational Health and Safety Policiy
are our fundamental principles.
Our Environment Policy
For a “Habitable World” in its operations and fields of activity. METCON, together with its stakeholders does not compromise its environmental consciousness.
In this context;
- Fulfilling its environmental preservation obligations pursuant to national and international standards
- Saving energy for protecting natural resources
- Raising the awareness of and training all our employees on the environment.
- Reducing waste, right sortation at source, minimizing the damage of existing wastes to the environment.
- Minimizing the environmental effects
- Constantly revising and developing our Environment Policy
are our fundamental principles.
Our Human Resources Policy
METCON which aims to grow with its employees and clients by adopting a “Human Focused Approach” in every level of management, deems human capital as the most important factor in reaching its goals
Our company creates common values for existing and prospective team members and aims to establish participatory systems based on efficacy and constantly develop the established systems in order to maintain durability.
In this context;
- Pursuing a transparent and open management policy
- Prioritizing employee motivation and their loyalty to METCON
- Providing constant training and self development opportunities
- Increasing employee efficiency to the top level by undertaking carrier planning for employees.
- Creating equal opportunities among employees.
- Preserving the material and moral rights of employees
- Constantly revising, updating and developing our Human Resources Policy
are our fundamental principles.